Presentation about cam-controlled drive technology at the FH Rosenheim

Also this year the TAKTOMAT GmbH was meantime in an annual grid again guest at the University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim (College of Applied Sciences) at Prof. Dr. Fischer (Department of Industrial Engineering and Management).
Two employees of TAKTOMAT presented the students of the 4th semester of the Department of Mechanical Engineering the development of the company. For almost 30 years, the company supplies with headquarters in Old Bavarian Pöttmes almost all productive sectors of the German and the international small, medium and large industries.
Different films of application examples from practice were presented in the presentation. These range from filigree small gears in pick and place combinations up to handling heavier body components in automobile construction.
Furthermore a employee of the technical design explainded the essential points to curve interpretation based on a proprietary software. The students could learn how comprehensive are the variations and the associated product options.
The most common reason curve types were presented by illustrative manual models. Through this the students were also able to handle the step gearbox, move them and get appropriate impressions and a sense of it´s practice.
Finally a employee of the development department presented the implementation of the data elaborated
Curve programs in a 3-D representation up to their motion animation.