Where is development heading? How can we stay on the ball? How can we further strengthen Germany as a business location? In order to be able to discuss, evaluate and ultimately answer these important (future) questions in time, TAKTOMAT CEO Norbert Hofstetter invited participants for the first time to an exceptional workshop at the Augsburg Technology Center.
For a seminar on the topic "Clean and Dry Rooms in Battery Cell Manufacturing", the scientific expertise of the "Fraunhofer-Einrichtung Forschungsfertigung Batteriezelle FFB" from Münster/NRW was the basis of the very informative event, which was carried out as a joint project with TAKTOMAT. Other engineers, designers, developers, decision-makers and project managers from the companies EvoBay, IB Benks, S&B Automotive GmbH & Co. KG, Sonplas GmbH and VAF GmbH were also invited to the workshop.
"We know some of these companies very well and, in addition, all of them – like us – are active in this area," says Christian Hofstetter when asked. Father Norbert, who has also created facts with the organization of this workshop, has a broad- and partnership-based attitude as well as a collegial mindset towards future measures in the industry: “It is not only this event, that should change the basic setting of all our considerations. Our approach should be a joint cooperation or even a trusting partnership, if we want to survive in the crowding-out competition with China and Asia. It would be very good for Europe as a business location, especially Germany and Bavaria, if we could deal with significantly fewer ideas of competition, and would instead respond together to the economic challenges of the future." Norbert Hofstetter has been pursuing this approach for a long time; also in other areas such as the recruitment of skilled workers and trainees.
His son Michael already started planning, organising and implementing this workshop in the late summer of last year. “From my point of view, it is important that we continue to build on and expand our existing knowledge on this subject. Therefore, it was also important to me that such an exchange or meeting would take place shortly before the important Battery Show. With that, we remain active in building our knowledge.”
At this major trade fair, which took place from 23 to 25 May 2023 in Stuttgart, TAKTOMAT presented patented innovations for gluing and painting prismatic battery cells for the first time.
The request for competent support was immediately approved by Fraunhofer FFB. Furthermore, the topic was defined, as well as the thematic blocks to be discussed in a one-day workshop. With Max Rettenmeier, Marcel Berling and Miha Podbreznik, Fraunhofer FFB also sent three experts to discuss the following topics:
Relevance of clean rooms and drying rooms in battery production, market environment and market trends, specifics and peculiarities of clean rooms and drying rooms, trends in clean rooms and drying rooms in battery cell production, technology gaps and current challenges, fundamentals and market situation of module and pack assembly, structure of module and pack assembly in round cells, process steps in module and pack assembly as well as future trends. Rhetorically and methodically skilled, the three lecturers repeatedly incorporated question rounds, to ensure that all participants were always on the same level of knowledge.
Norbert Hofstetter was very keen on the almost seven-hour event: “I believe that this workshop was a complete success. The speakers were excellently prepared. The participants were very interested and attentive as a result. ”
A satisfied participant felt the same way: “It was noticeable at all times that the speakers were fully focused on the topic and did not share their knowledge for the first time. For me, it was extremely interesting and a great added value for my daily work.”
The feedback survey, carried out by the speakers, was also very positive: “If all participants are predominantly satisfied, then so are we. Considering there always are, or will, be improvements, this must be our expectation of ourselves.” On this occasion, Max Rettenmeier also handed over an official certificate from Fraunhofer FFB which showed that the above-mentioned contents had been conveyed in the workshop.
The final word was given by Michael Hofstetter. Among others, he thanked the supporting colleagues who worked diligently in the background. Those were Kristina Hammerl, Annette Enters, Anna Lappy and Robert Zeilnhofer. The Technology Center/Innovationspark Augsburg provided a perfect setting; in every way. Its managing director Wolfgang Hehl also attended the event at times and was very impressed by the high standard of the seminar.
If everything goes according to the plans of the three Hofstetters, meaning the company TAKTOMAT, then this was not the last workshop of its kind.